Internal and external deworming in dogs

Did you know that dog parasites can affect humans? Did you know that the eggs of some parasites can contaminate our home and remain in the environment for long periods of time? Internal and external deworming of dogs is often forgotten, but it is a very important part of their protection, and of our own protection as guardians.

The regularity of deworming will depend a little on your dog’s age and lifestyle.

Starting with pregnant dogs, they should be dewormed before giving birth, both internally and externally, to prevent the puppies from becoming parasitised at birth. This deworming should always be done under the supervision of your veterinarian. The worming of the mother should be repeated 15 days after the birth of the puppies and, at this point, the puppies should also begin the worming process.

Moving on to puppies, they should be dewormed internally 15 days after birth, with a repeat every two weeks until they are two months old. External deworming at this stage can only be done with flea and tick spray.

From the age of two months (eight weeks), puppies should be wormed internally every 4 weeks, and you can apply the age-appropriate pipette monthly. This regime should continue until they are 6 months old.

Once they are six months old, we enter the adult deworming programme. Internal deworming should be done every 3 to 4 months, with a tablet appropriate to the dog’s weight. When it comes to external deworming, there are several options: pipettes, which should be used monthly, collars, the duration of which varies according to the brand, and tablets, which can be administered monthly or quarterly.

To adapt the deworming programme as best as possible to your dog’s needs, you should talk to your vet and you may have to associate several products at the same time: generally you use an internal deworming tablet according to weight, an external deworming pill, and a deworming pipette or collar, as only the latter two options guarantee repelling the mosquitoes responsible for Leishmaniasis and Heartworm Disease.

In the case of geriatric animals, you should discuss the deworming regimen with your veterinarian, since at this stage there may be diseases that influence the absorption, metabolization and excretion of dewormers.

It should be noted that at any stage of your dog’s life, if there is a flea infestation, it is extremely important to disinfect the house and wash all his belongings in the machine at at least 60ºC in order to sterilise the flea eggs and prevent new infestations.

If in doubt, consult your veterinary assistant.

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