
Pine caterpillar

Pine caterpillar Pine caterpillar or Thaumetopoea pityocampa The pine caterpillar, also known as the processionary, is a parasite of pine and cedar trees. From the egg to the adult form, it passes through various stages, some of which are larval...

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How to keep your cat safe in summer

Although cats are less sensitive to the heat than dogs and spend most of their time indoors, there are a number of precautions you should take with your cat in summer to maintain its health and well-being. Cat care in...

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The most common dermatological diseases in cats

There are a number of dermatological diseases in cats that can affect the skin and make it necessary to take them to the vet, and here we'll cover the most common ones in our clinical practice: external parasites, allergies and...

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Internal and external deworming in cats

We often tend to think that internal and external deworming for cats, who are mostly at home, isn't that important! However, this thinking couldn't be more wrong, as we ourselves are often responsible for bringing parasites into the home. Yes,...

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3 signs that your pet has separation anxiety and how to help?

After the periods of mandatory confinement we've experienced over the last year, our return to routine can cause anxiety in our pets, whether they're cats or dogs. There are many behaviours that can indicate that our pet has separation anxiety,...

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