
All about Leishmaniasis

All about Leishmaniasis What is Leishmaniasis? Leishmaniasis is an endemic disease in our region caused by a parasite called Leishmania infantum. The dog is the main host of the disease, although it can affect other species such as cats, foxes,...

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Pine caterpillar

Pine caterpillar Pine caterpillar or Thaumetopoea pityocampa The pine caterpillar, also known as the processionary, is a parasite of pine and cedar trees. From the egg to the adult form, it passes through various stages, some of which are larval...

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How to keep your dog safe in summer

Caring for your dog during the summer Do you know what to do with your dog during the summer? With the arrival of the summer, we all want to enjoy the longer days and high temperatures, but we can accidentally...

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Brachycephalic dogs

Brachycephalic dog breeds are breeds with short or flat snouts. These include breeds such as: - French bulldog - English bulldog - Boxer - Pug - Shih Tzu - Pekingese - Lhasa apso - Boston terrier - Maltese bichon -...

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The most common neurological diseases in dogs

The Nervous System is subdivided into two components: the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. The former comprises the brain and spinal cord, while the latter refers to all the parts of the nervous system outside the brain...

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