Myths about animals: can dogs learn tricks at any age?

We usually associate training with puppies, but the truth is that dogs can learn tricks at any age, although as they get older, learning becomes a little slower. Dogs like to learn new things, which is why they learn throughout their lives, keeping them active and healthy.

It’s important to start slowly: first do the most basic exercises they already know, such as sit, lie down or give a paw, for example. Once these commands are firmly learnt, you can move on to new tricks.

We should establish a routine and choose short workouts, several times a day, with rewards that they like, while always keeping a healthy weight in mind.

It should also be noted that sometimes we need professional help, especially when we’re talking about changing acquired behaviours or serious behavioural problems, como a agressividade.

In short, dogs can learn tricks at any age, we just have to be calm and patient and reward positive behaviour.

If in doubt, contact your veterinarian.

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